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Comfort in the Little Things

This isn’t the post that I was planning to write for today, but it’s just something that I felt I needed to write. So bear with me- it isn’t a typical post for me.  But I wanted to express how sometimes we don’t need the big and glamorous, but we can find more comfort in the little things.comfort

My grandma lost both of her sisters this year. These women (my great aunts) were amazing women. The one, my great aunt Emma Jean, was an amazing cake decorator and baker. She made the cake for our wedding, and it was so beautiful. She sewed and quilted. In general, she was extraordinarily talented.

My second great aunt passed away last week. Ella was a fabulous artist- her paintings were so beautiful. Ella loved history and wrote two books. She was an avid gardener, and Dan and I actually picked the apples and pears that adorned our wedding cake from Ella’s trees. So that’s kind of cool that both of my great aunts were involved in our wedding cake.

As I went to each of their funerals, I was reminded of how tradition and the “little things” can be so comforting in times of grief and trial.

There is an amazing amount of comfort found in the things we know. I think that when we are going through a grieving time, being surrounded by things that are so well-known can comfort the soul. 

Sitting in the pews of the church where I spent every Sunday of my young childhood. Repeating the same liturgy that I grew up with. Watching my kids running back and forth across the gym that my sister and I ran across so many times. Seeing my son’s eyes light up as he looked with awe at the sunlight shining through the stained glass windows, and remembering the feeling of running my fingers over the smooth glass that was embedded in rough mortar.  Seeing the faces of women (and men, but this is about a particular group of women) who ministered to the congregation when I was a child and who are still impacting lives today.

I was especially blessed by those amazing women who have been giving selflessly for decades. These women give of their time every time there is a funeral or other major event. They spend hours cooking food for the family dinner, and then spend more time serving the family and cleaning up afterward.


These were the same women who provided (and I’m sure they do to this day) cookies for fellowship time every Sunday. While their ministry may not be one for which a lot of praise is given, those cookies and that glass of juice placed in little hands each Sunday of my childhood left a lasting impression. And that snack made it possible for our parents to spend time fellowshipping with one another, instead of having to rush home to get us fed. So that small act ministered to both us children and our parents.

I think sometimes we think an act of ministry has to be so big; so thought out; so orchestrated. We need to poll people to see what will be beneficial to the greatest number of people. We need to form committees to determine the areas lacking and the needs and the desires of the people. We need to get the biggest bang for our buck.

And I do think that planning is important. However, I think that we sometimes overlook how comforting the little things can be, in our pursuit of the big things. We can focus so much on drawing people into our churches, instead of focusing on how to minister to the people who are already there.

The little things may be the things God is calling you to do.

A hug and a shared tear for those left behind that are struggling with their overwhelming grief. A shared story of the person we’ve lost. A meal taken to a family who feels so overwhelmed that the thought of cooking and feeding themselves hasn’t even crossed their mind. Taking the older children for a few hours from a couple who has just miscarried, so the parents can let down their guard and truly grieve.

I challenge you to look around you and find one person in your life that you can bless today. Even if that blessing is as simple as sending a short note in the mail telling them you’re praying for them- I think you’d be surprised at how uplifting that might be.  And I challenge you to thank the people who are taking care of the “little things” in your life– it’s a hard and thankless job, but it seems to me to fulfill so much of what Christ taught about how we are to truly serve others.

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 Linking up at Mommy-Brain Mixer.


Wednesday 13th of November 2013

Love this! It's something I think of often as a SAHM. Sometimes ministry means doing the quiet, hidden tasks of service that most will never notice or mutter a "thanks" for. But God sees those acts, and the reward for such selfless, giving people will be great.

Thanks for linking up to Thriving Thursday :)

Jamie H

Friday 15th of November 2013

Crystal, I couldn't agree more! Being a SAHM is definitely a ministry of love, where most of what we do will never be thanked. Sometimes that can be hard, but I try to remember that "Your Father, who sees what is done it secret, will reward you." I would much rather reap heavenly rewards than earthly praise.


Sunday 10th of November 2013

"I challenge you to look around you and find one person in your life that you can bless today."

What is a beautiful thought. Thank you.

Nicolette Springer

Saturday 9th of November 2013

Such a wonderfully thoughtful post. I'm sorry for you losses but I think it's great that you have found comfort in the small acts of kindness and have reminded all of us just how important these actions are. I agree we often get caught up in the big gestures when the little ones can be just as meaning to people.

Jamie H

Friday 15th of November 2013

Thank you, Nicolette! I appreciate your comment!


Thursday 7th of November 2013

What a beautiful post. I felt like I was right there with you in that church. I too remember Sunday school and cookies, just as you shared here. Thank you for such a touching reminder today, Jamie. I love your new signature line with the photo too.

Jamie H

Thursday 7th of November 2013

Jelli, thanks! I loved cookies every Sunday! And thanks for noticing our new signatures!


Thursday 7th of November 2013

Beautiful post! Just think - if we each reach one, we can reach the masses :) Thank you for this reminder this morning. I am visiting from Thriving Thurs. today. Blessings!

Jamie H

Thursday 7th of November 2013

Great point about reaching the masses one at a time! It may not be as fulfilling as ministering to thousands at a time, but each person is important!