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1 Tip to Have the Most Amazing Vacation Ever

amazing vacation

I have one tip for all you headed out on vacation.  Yep just one!  One tip to help you have the most amazing vacation no matter where you are headed!

Put down the cell phone!!

As I recently mentioned, we just went to Yellowstone and one of the things I love about Yellowstone is that for most of the park I don’t get cell reception, let alone internet.  I love being cut off from the rest of the world, and being able to enjoy the amazing scenery, animals, and geological features! 

But even there, it seemed like people were stuck on their cell phones!  From the adults who couldn’t stop talking on it long enough for the phone not to be in a group photo, to the children who choose to stay in the car and play on a phone instead of checking out the amazing world that is Yellowstone. 


You have probably been planning this vacation for a long time, looking forward to it, possibly saving up, so why in the world would you miss it just to check email or Facebook or pass another level on Candy Crush?!

I love my cell phone as much as the next person.  I love Twitter, Instagram, and all my other apps and it is often my camera everywhere I go.  So I’m not saying don’t ever touch your phone while on vacation.  And I know there are so many wonderful apps that might make your vacation easier and cheaper (as I mentioned in my 10 ways to save money on vacation) but you are not going on vacation with your phone!!  Pay attention to the people around you!!  Pay attention to the amazing world you are getting the opportunity to enjoy!! 

It’s bad enough that a lot of people can’t seem to ever put their phones down and fully focus on those around them in their daily lives. {And I am totally guilty of this way more than I should be! }  But you are on vacation for goodness sake, enjoy it!; email can wait, those texts can wait, and for sure your games can wait.  And if you are one of those who just can’t resist checking things when you have your phone with you, leave it at the hotel or in the car.  Take another camera with you and enjoy yourself!

So put down the phone and have the most amazing vacation ever!

What do you think?  Do you think we all need to put down the cell phones and enjoy our vacations or do you love using your phone on vacation? Leave a comment with your opinion. 


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amazing vacation

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[…] Coffee With Us 3′s Projects 10 Ways to Save on Vacation Very Berry Coffee Cake Teriyaki Mushroom & Swiss 1 Tip to Have the Most Amazing Vacation Ever […]

Sarah Bates

Wednesday 9th of July 2014

I agree! I know I need to put down my cell phone more often!


Thursday 10th of July 2014

I need to work on putting it down more too but I was shocked how attached people were to their phone even in Yellowstone.


Wednesday 9th of July 2014

This is a great tip. Really. People in today's fast-paced, plugged in world always have their cell phones. Not me. I'm ok leaving it at home, or in the car...I don't have it with me at all times. I just barely got my first smartphone back in January this year. And I love all it can do, but phones make it really easy to get distracted from life. Awesome tip. =0)


Thursday 10th of July 2014

I normally always have mine with me as I use it for the camera but I hate when people ignore people right in front of them for their phone. I hated seeing it on our vacation!