Free Printable 2016 Calendar and a $10 off coupon for an Erin Condren Life Planner.
Lucy, Jamie and I all love calendars. We are a bit lost without them. I like both a digital calendar and a physical calendar. The digital calendar is great for on the go. I can add things to it from my phone and it shows up on my laptop. I also like that I can share calendars with people so we all are on the same page with appointments.
But a physical calendar is one that helps me brainstorm, display on the fridge for The Hardworking Husband to see, and they often are pretty. I use physical calendars for menu planning, for blog post planning, brainstorming ideas for blogging and for Young Living.
I have been making a calendar for myself for several years. The last couple years I have shared it with you. And once again, I have one for you. Just click on the image and the entire year will be there for you to download and print.
This year I decided to get myself a planner to give me more room to write as I plan for the year in blogging and Young Living. Last year, I traveled a bunch for Young Living and I need to do a better job of planning that travel. I won’t be traveling as much this year, but I also want to do a better job of planning. I really don’t want to be gone much right after I plant the garden. I would like to do a better job of guiding the tomato plants in the cages. Last year, they grew too fast while I was gone that some of them ended up laying on the ground because they were to big to put back in the cage when I got back.
I also want to have more room to write out ideas for essential oil classes I’ll be teaching and ideas for blog posts.
Another thing that I’d like to do better this year is blocking out time for specific things. I work from home for a Realtor and I would like to block time for that. I’d also like to block time for Young Living and blogging.
The planner I bought is an Erin Condren Life Planner. I love her planners. They are beautiful. She has so many options and so many extras that come with the calendar.
She offers three styles of planners. Horizontal, Vertical, and Hourly. I chose hourly to help me block time. If you are wanting a planner, please take a minute to look at all she has to offer. She also recently started offering wedding planners.
If you would like to order a planner from her, this link will give you $10 off.
Which ever you choose to use, the planner or the printable calendar, we hope 2016 is a great year for you!
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Paula Jenkins
Wednesday 23rd of December 2015
I really liked using the Erin Condren planner this last year, and I also like using two separate calendars - digital and paper. :)