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30 Blender Recipes

Smoothies, Milk Shakes, Sauces, Popsicles, and to prep ingredients for other dishes; it’s amazing what you can use a blender for!

Smoothies, Milk Shakes, Sauces, Popsicles, and to prep ingredients for other dishes; it's amazing what you can use a blender for!

So you got a fancy new blender, now what?  Or maybe, your blender is packed away in the cabinet or you’re just using it for smoothies.  Well there is a whole lot more you could be using your blender for!  I’ve got {insert number} blender recipes from some great food bloggers to share with you today!

30+ Blender Recipes

I can’t wait to try some of these recipes out and put my blender to work! What do you like to make in your blender?
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blender recipes