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50 Things to Do for St. Patrick’s Day

Looking for awesome things to make or do for St. Patrick’s Day?? Check out this ultimate St. Patrick’s Day activity list with over 50 ideas!!

Looking to make your St. Patrick's Day more fun or memorable?? Check out these fun activities, crafts, & recipes perfect for you or your family!!

Every year, I always says were going to do something fun for St. Patrick’s Day and every year we get busy & forget.  I know a lot of people do really fun things on St. Patrick’s Day like go to parades, make special meals, make crafts or other creative things but all we ever do is wear green.  

So this year I thought I’d make an awesome list of things to do for St. Patrick’s Day so I won’t have any excuse not to do something.  And since you might also be looking for things to do for or on St. Patrick’s Day, I thought I’d share it will you.

And these ideas range from super easy {just print out a printable & do it} to a little more complicated {like making a wreath or fun cupcakes}! But whether you choose super simple (like I probably will) or a bit harder, there’s sure to be something in this list your family will love to do for St. Patrick’s Day!

50 Things to Do for St. Patrick’s Day 

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Looking to make your St. Patrick's Day more fun or memorable?? Check out these fun activities, crafts, & recipes perfect for you or your family!!