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Blue Raspberry Jam

Blue Raspberry Jam is more than the sum of its parts. The flavors of the blueberries and raspberries pair so well together and taste amazing.

Necessity is the mother of invention is how the saying goes. This recipe didn’t exactly get created because I needed the end result. But the end result came from me needing to use the last of the blueberry puree. 

I had about half of what I needed for another batch of blueberry jam. But I had some raspberry puree in the freezer. So I decided to try mixing the two. I used half of what is called for for the fruit and the sugar in the raspberry jam on the instructions in pectin box and half of what is called for the blueberry jam. 

The jam turned out better than blueberry jam alone or raspberry jam alone. The two flavors blending together is so good.

I love berry season. I will put berries on nearly everything in late spring. Looking for more berry recipes.

Now onto the recipe.

Yield: 7 half pint jars

Blue Raspberry Jam

Blue Raspberry Jam

Blue Raspberry Jam is more than the sum of its parts. The flavors of the blueberries and raspberries pair so well together and taste amazing.

Prep Time 5 minutes
Cook Time 20 minutes
Additional Time 20 minutes
Total Time 45 minutes


  • 2 1/2 cups raspberry puree
  • 2 cups blueberry puree
  • 1 box sure jell pectin
  • 5 1/2 cups sugar
  • 1/2 tsp butter


  1. Fill a large pot with water add 7 half pint jars or 4 pint jars. Bring to a boil. Fill a small pot with water and add lids and rings. Heat but do not boil.
  2. In a separate large pot add fruit puree, pectin, and butter.
  3. Turn on high heat and stir constantly. Bring to a rolling boil.
  4. Add sugar and continue to stir constantly. Bring back to a rolling boil. Boil for 1 minutes.
  5. Fill sterilized jars with jam. Wipe rim with clean cloth. Place lid and ring on. Place upside down on a towel for 5 minutes. Flip right side up and allow to cool. They should seal. If they do not seal, place in fridge and use soon.
  6. If you are using pint jars, you will need to put the half full jar in the fridge once cooled. It won't seal right.

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