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DIY Bug Off Spray

Bug off Spray

I’ve never had a problem with bugs biting me.  I have said I have bitter blood, but really I’m not sure why they don’t like me.  Which means, I’ve never had need for bug spray.  But everyone around me seems to be eaten alive by the mosquitoes and such.  I would like to keep bug spray at my house, but I don’t like the chemicals that are I’m sure really bad for us.  So I decided to make my own using essential oils.  The oils are good for us and the bug off spray is super easy to make and use.

To Make the Bug Off Spray:

You will first need to make catnip “tea.”  To do this, boil 6-8 oz water.  Remove from heat and steep 1 Tbsp catnip for 10 minutes. Remove catnip and allow to cool.  Add to a spray bottle.  Then add:

15 oz witch hazel

10 drops of peppermint essential oil

10 drops of lavender essential oil

10 drops of lemongrass essential oil

10 drops of clove essential oil

Shake vigorously.  Spray on like you would any other bug spray.  Just don’t spray on your face.  Shake before use each time.

I leave out the catnip bc I am allergic to catnip.  It still works great without it. 

Not recommended for kids under 1 year of age.

Note this repellent hasn’t been tested in the prevention of mosquito born illnesses such as West Nile Virus.

DIY Bug Off Spray

DIY Bug Off Spray


  • 1 cup water
  • 1 Tbsp catnip
  • 15 oz witch hazel
  • 10 drops of peppermint essential oil
  • 10 drops of lavender essential oil
  • 10 drops of lemongrass essential oil
  • 10 drops of clove essential oil


  1. You will first need to make catnip “tea.” Boil 6-8 oz water. Remove from heat and steep catnip for 10 minutes. Remove catnip and allow to cool. Add to a spray bottle.
  2. Shake vigorously. Spray on like you would any other bug spray. Just don’t spray on your face. Shake before use each time.
  3. I leave out the catnip bc I am allergic to catnip. It still works great without it. 
This post is part of our Outside the Box Mondays series.  For more awesome money saving and made from scratch ideas, click on the box!

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Bug off Spray

Pretty Pintastic Party #14 | Coffee With Us 3

Wednesday 17th of April 2019

[…] Bug Off Spray […]

The Pretty Pintastic Party #14

Saturday 2nd of August 2014

[…] Bug Off Spray […]


Saturday 2nd of August 2014

Hi Kerry! I bet this spray smells delicious! I can hardly wait to try it. I won't be making the catnip tea as I have no catnip. Thanks for sharing! Blessings from Bama!

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