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Easy Ground Beef Recipes

Ground beef is one of the easiest meats to cook with.  You can go from frozen meat to dinner in a very short time, and you can even cook your ground beef without thawing it.  This makes it the perfect meat for the nights when you realize you forgot to thaw any meat for dinner.

Ground beef is one of the easiest meats to cook with.  This makes it the perfect meat for the nights when you're running behind on making dinner.

How do I cook ground beef?

Ground beef is so easy to cook.  To brown ground beef, put it in a pan or skillet over medium heat, and saute until it’s browned all the way through.  You can add onion while it cooks, to add extra flavor.  I’ve found this tool to be SO useful in cooking ground beef.  Once the ground beef is fully cooked through, drain off the fat, and it’s ready to go!

Is it better to season ground beef before or after cooking?

It seems that there are those in favor of seasoning before cooking, and others that season after.  I personally season after cooking.  Salt can pull the moisture from ground beef, resulting in a dryer beef.  You also lose a lot of the seasoning with draining, in my opinion.

I recommend cooking the beef with onion and garlic, but saving the actual seasoning for after it’s drained.

How long should you cook ground beef?

When cooking ground beef, you want to make sure that it is cooked all the way through.  This is called browning the beef.  You simply cook it until there is no more pink left, and the hamburger is all browned.  This can take anywhere from 5-10 minutes, depending on how hot your pan is, whether your beef is fully thawed, etc.

So on to the recipes!  Here are easy ground beef recipes to help you get dinner on the table quickly tonight!

Easy Ground Beef Recipes

Get dinner on the table quickly with these easy Ground Beef dinner recipes!

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Ground beef is one of the easiest meats to cook with.  This makes it the perfect meat for the nights when you're running behind on making dinner.