A list of family friendly gluten free blogs, so you can make your family meals (and snacks!) without worrying about gluten!
A friend of mine, Sarah, recently got the news that her youngest daughter has celiac disease. For those of us who haven’t ever cooked gluten free, this can seem like a very challenging obstacle to overcome.
I was feeling bad for Sarah, and really wanting to do something tangible for her. Obviously I wasn’t going to bring her dinner (since I know nothing about cooking gluten free), but then I realized that I am in the prime position to be able to do something tangible to help her out! I know tons of food bloggers, and I have a lot of contact with food bloggers, so I was able to put out a request for family-friendly gluten free blogs, and I got a ton of response.
I wanted to make sure that the gluten free blogs I recommended for Sarah were blogs that post food that is “normal” food. Nothing too technical, not crazy ingredients, or 5 hours in the kitchen. I wanted this to be a list of gluten free blogs that make regular breakfasts, lunches, and dinners (and even desserts)– only gluten free.
Once I had compiled the list for her, I realized that there are probably tons of other moms out there who are freaking out about trying to feed their family after a celiac or gluten intolerance diagnosis. Because of this, I decided to turn it into a blog post that I could share with everyone.
Just know, if you are going through this, you aren’t alone! I was overwhelmed by how many bloggers were so helpful! Many of them gave me their personal email addresses to pass along to Sarah, so that if she had any questions she could contact them. That’s pretty awesome. So if you have questions about any of the recipes you find on these blogs, reach out to the blogger. Most are passionate about what they’re blogging, and they’d be more than happy to help you in any way possible!
I’ve included a long list at the bottom of this post, but in case you’re wondering who made the recipes that are included in the picture above, here’s a short blurb about each of those bloggers:
I have to start my list with Sandi from Fearless Dining. Sandi is fabulous! I met her last year at a blogging conference, and she is super sweet! She is extremely passionate about educating people about gluten free cooking, and her blog is full of mouth-watering gluten free food! I’ve included a picture of her Turkey Enchilada Pie.
At My PCOS Kitchen, the recipes are all gluten-free, sugar-free, low carb, low calorie, and organic! That almost sounds impossible to me, but I checked it out, and she’s got a ton of amazing recipes that look delicious, including her Pigs in a Blanket recipe.
My Gluten Free Miami is a gluten free blog written by a mom who has celiac disease. Great family food that even her 2 year old loves! I’ve included a picture of her Gluten Free Cheddar Bay Biscuits. Seriously, gluten free biscuits! Isn’t that amazing?
I love that there are real dinner options available that are gluten free. Opticook has many, and even as a person who doesn’t need to avoid gluten, I can tell you that I can’t wait to try this recipe for Singapore Noodles!
As you might guess by the name, Vegan Chickpea creates vegan recipes, but they’re also gluten free! She’s got an amazing looking Slow Cooker Lasagna that sounds like a fabulous gluten free dinner!
I am also really amazed by bloggers who make breakfast options that are gluten free and still look tasty, like these Pumpkin Pancakes from Dishing Delish!
What the Fork is full of amazing gluten free baked goods and desserts. With a two year old and a four year old, there are demanding taste testers on hand to make sure these are scrumptious, including these gluten free Cranberry Chocolate Chip Muffins.
I’m a big fan of baking, so I think one of the things I would have the hardest time giving up if we had a gluten problem would be cookies. That’s why I had to include a picture of these gluten free Chocolate Chip Cookies from Officially Gluten Free.
To access all of these awesome gluten free blogs, check out their websites below:
Plus, there are even more gluten free blogs listed at this post from A Saucy Kitchen!
As you can see, there are so many options out there if you’re trying to figure out this whole gluten free cooking thing. Or even if you’ve been gluten free for a long time, and you just want to find some new and amazing recipes. I’ve looked at each of these sites, and I only shared the ones that made food that I would want to eat!
Do you have a favorite gluten free blog to share with us? Let us know in the comments, so we can help each other out!
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Linking up to Menu Plan Monday and Weekend Potluck.
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Joni Condos, OptiCook
Friday 27th of January 2017
Thank you for featuring my Singapore Noodles dish, I hope you liked it, Joni @opticook
Sandi Gaertner
Thursday 5th of January 2017
You are so sweet to include me. I loved meeting you and hope we can connect again sometime soon :-). Sharing this all around.