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Homemade Marshmallow Varieties

Homemade Marshmallow Varieties that you’re going to enjoy making, and love eating!  From basic recipes like vanilla or peppermint, to more exciting varieties such as mocha, orange marmalade, and confetti, we’ve got all the homemade marshmallow recipes right here!

Are homemade marshmallows worth it?

If you’ve never had homemade marshmallows before, you really must try them.  Even if you don’t like the marshmallows from the store (we don’t either!).  Homemade marshmallows are completely different.  Full of flavor, melt in your mouth, and just amazing. 

But don’t take our word for it.  Kristine says, “Do you like marshmallows?  I did not.  Until I met Kerry.  They are super easy to make and taste delish.  You’ll never want a store-bought marshmallow again (not that I ever did!).”


How do you make marshmallows from scratch?

Making marshmallows is actually really easy.  The process is mostly hands off.  You’ll make a syrup that combines with gelatin, and then a stand mixer does all they work.  After the marshmallows are finished whipping, you pour them onto a pan to cool, and then dust them.  The actual hands on portion of marshmallow making is quite minimal.

Tools needed to make homemade marshmallows:

  • Stand mixer (we use a KitchenAid)
  • Whisk attachment for stand mixer
  • Small pan 
  • 1/2 sheet pan or 9×13 pan (the 9×13 pan will make thicker marshmallows)
  • Plastic wrap
  • Bench scraper (we find this is much easier to cut marshmallows with than a knife)


Ingredients needed to make homemade marshmallows:

  • Corn syrup
  • Gelatin
  • Granulated Sugar
  • Powdered Sugar
  • Cornstarch
  • Salt
  • Water
  • Ingredients specific to the homemade marshmallow varieties you’re making

Recipes for Homemade Marshmallows Varieties

So many great marshmallow flavors!

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