Recently, I painted my dining room Orange and I love it. I also added some other fun touches to the room which I love but one wall just seems way too bare. I added frames to display the kids’ artwork but it just didn’t seem to fill up the whole wall and I kept thinking that it needed more. {Check out all the details of the room in Going Orange}
I have recently discovered how great printables are. They are all over Pinterest and easy to print out, frame and decorate with. And if they are free printables, you can switch them out whenever you want and not feel like you are wasting money. However, I wasn’t finding any printables that were exactly what I was looking for so I decided to make my own.
I decided to make a House Rules printable for that wall. I am working on a couple other printables to go together with it and will share them when I get them done. I was a little indecisive when I was making my “rules,” which is why there are 4 options. Feel free to print off whichever works best for your family if you like.
Click title to view full size or print:
Now I just have to figure out which one I want to print for my house….
Kids Pinterest Group Board & Updates Galore - Coffee With Us 3
Saturday 5th of October 2013
[…] you may have noticed lately with my Mother’s Day Gift Tags and House Rules Printables. I had a couple more in the works that should be coming soon. Turns out my Button […]
The Best of Coffee With Us 3!!! (so far) - Coffee With Us 3
Monday 30th of September 2013
[…] 4. Father’s Day Ties & Gift Tags 5. House Rules […]