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Imaginative Play & Fruit Shoot Contest

*Thanks to Fruit Shoot for sponsoring today’s discussion. All opinions are 100% my own.  

Fruit Shoot is holding an awesome contest to make your kid look like an action star! Check out the fun video entries or enter your own!! #sp #StuntHunt #fruitshoot

School starts a week from today.  Last week of summer!  It has gone so fast.  I guess now we try to cram all the things we didn’t do this summer into this last week, right?  But that’s not really how summer works around our house.  Right off, we didn’t really plan that much.  We did plan a vacation, but we took that but other than that, we just let our kids be kids.  

We let them run free, use their imaginations and just be kids during the summer.  And my kids love it!  And I love it because I’m not going crazy trying to entertain them all the time!  And honestly, we try to let them have this freedom to be kids all year round, though it does get tough with school, soccer and other activities.  

Ways to Encourage Imaginative Play  #sp #StuntHunt #fruitshoot

One of the reasons I love this new contest from Fruit Shoot:  it’s all about imagination, fun, and active play.  All you need to enter is a fruit shoot bottle, a ball, your kids and your smartphone (or video camera).  Make a short video and you could see your video transformed with some awesome special effects.  You will receive a free bottle of Fruit Shoot just for entering the contest. You will also receive a Waboba ball anytime you buy 6 bottles of Fruit Shoot in-store. Need some inspiration check out last week’s winning video.  Enter now!

Robinsons Fruit Shoot is a Fruit Juice Drink designed especially for kids! It offers a unique blend of water and 25% Fruit Juice delivering tasty& fruity refreshment that contains no artificial colors, sweeteners or flavors.  And has a no spill lid!

Fruit Shoot has yummy flavors like AppleBerry Burst,  Orange, & Strawberry Raspberry.

Fruit Shoot is holding an awesome competition to make your kid look like an action star! Check out the fun video entries or enter your own!! #sp #StuntHunt #fruitshoot

What do you do with your children to encourage imaginative play?  Have your kids tried Fruit Shoot?  If so, what did they think?



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Fruit Shoot is holding an awesome contest to make your kid look like an action star! Check out the fun video entries or enter your own!! #sp #StuntHunt #fruitshoot


Janelle Dangerfield Shank

Thursday 28th of August 2014

Great ideas! I think reading during the summer and all year round is so important!


Thursday 28th of August 2014

I think reading is really important to growing a child's imagination. That and letting them just play

Helaling Tomato

Wednesday 27th of August 2014

This is a great idea and I love the creativity behind the post. Personally, I always liked building forts and then pretending to be cooking meals for king!


Thursday 28th of August 2014

My kids love building forts. I always enjoyed it too. My best friend and I had one in the gully across the road from her house.

Pretty Pintastic Party #17 - Coffee With Us 3

Friday 22nd of August 2014

[…] Imaginative Play & Fruit Shoot Contest […]


Tuesday 19th of August 2014

Imaginative play is one of the most important types of play for kids - I'll never forget my kid getting an electronic robot toy one year, he played with it for about 2 minutes, then put the box on his head and played "Spaceman" for the next hour!


Wednesday 20th of August 2014

Sometimes i wonder why we even bother with the expensive toys!! My kids love boxes, paper tubes, and empty bottles just as much or more!

foody schmoody

Tuesday 19th of August 2014

We do a bit of scheduled "play date" type activities but have tons of backyard time too. My son is a huge fan of cardboard box and pillow forts, also he likes to set up obstacle courses and they always amaze me.


Tuesday 19th of August 2014

Obstacle courses are a great idea! I should encourage my kids to try that. We do a little scheduled play too, I just try not to overdo it. I want them to be able to play without mom providing the entertainment!