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June Menu Plan

June Menu Plan

May sure has been busy and I’m so glad I have a meal plan.  This week alone it’s saving me.  I’ve been watching Dear Friend’s little girl, I’ve been working for a Realtor for a while and things are really picking up, Lucy, our mom and I are having a yard sale this weekend, and I am behind on planting the garden.  I’m feeling a little bit of pressure to get it all done.  So a menu plan helps me not have to come up with something to make each night and I only had to make one trip to the store.   

I am hoping June is much calmer. Garden will be all planted, yard sale will be over and I will just have work, watching Little Thing, and blogging.  But meal plans are still a nice to thing to have even when things are calm.

Week 1:

Bacon Cheeseburger Meatloaf
Chicken BLT Taco Salad
Grilled Pork Chops
Garlic Chicken Pesto with Tomato Cream Penne

Week 2:

BBQ Chicken Salad
French Onion Soup Grilled Cheese

Week 3: 

Patty Melts
Chicken & Avocado Salad with Lime & Cilantro
Sausage & Rice Skillet
Baked Tortellini with Bacon

Week 4:

Beef & Bean Taco Casserole
Honey Lime Chicken Skewers
Busy Day Lasagna Toss

Week 5:

Big Steak Salad

Printable Calendar:

June Meal Plan

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