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Learning to Gift Yourself

This shop has been compensated by Collective Bias, Inc. and its advertiser. All opinions are mine alone. #HolidayGlow #CollectiveBias

Learning to Gift Yourself

A few weeks ago I had an appointment for my annual.  Every woman’s favorite day, for sure.  So there I am sitting on the examining table clothed in a gown and sheet.  And I looked down at my feet and was completely mortified!  My legs were so hairy, and my toenails had specks of nail polish from the last time I had painted them, which had obviously been quite some time.  I had been running around like crazy taking care of my kids, and my husband, and my house, and the bills, and our blog, and I hadn’t stopped to take the time to take care of myself in quite some time.

I don’t know, maybe you’re better at taking time for yourself, but I’m not very good at it.  I find that I put everyone else in my life first, and I find myself at the bottom of the list.  I’m not complaining about it, it’s just the way things are.  I tend to give all I have to others, and forget that I need to give to myself as well.

So after the embarrassing annual (the midwife didn’t say a thing, but I was so mortified!) I realized that I needed to take care of myself.  And what better time of year to learn to gift yourself than during the holidays?

P&G at Costco

I decided to gift myself the gift of pampering, so I headed to Costco to see what great pampering products they had.  I figured that if I bought at Costco, I would have skin care, hair care, and  grooming products for the whole year!  

I tend to be cheap when it comes to myself.  I would splurge on my kids, but for me, it’s bottom of the line, just enough to make it.  Are you the same?  Because I knew that about myself, I tried really hard to not allow that to be my mindset.  So I decided to pretend that I was buying for a friend.  And then I thought, “Why not actually buy for a friend as well?”  I know most of my friends are just as bad at taking time for themselves as I am, so I grabbed two of everything I bought and made a basket for myself as well as for a friend!

Learn to Gift Yourself with P&G

I splurged on the Venus Swirl.  I love a good razor for shaving, and those legs were out of control!  I love that the Venus Swirl comes in a large package from Costco, with 8 cartridges!  That means my legs don’t have to be neglected anymore!  

I also bought Olay Ultra Moisture Body Wash, available in warehouse. It comes in a 3 pack of large bottles, so I expect they will last me the better part of the year!  

I love P&G products, as I know that they are always quality products.  I’ve loved every Venus razor I’ve ever gotten (so much better than cheap brands, seriously!).

I got a couple baskets, and finished filling them with all sorts of fun things to pamper myself and my friend. I included bubble bath, a nice sponge, a pedicure set, a nice bar of soap, a candle, and some homemade goodies.  

Learning to Gift Yourself 1b

This doesn’t have to cost you a ton of money.  P&G products are priced really well at Costco, and you get a large supply, so you don’t have to buy them very often.

Here’s the harder part of gifting myself.  I talked to my husband and told him that I feel like I don’t take time for myself very well.  I know he’s willing to watch the kids, but somehow I feel guilty for asking him, so I end up not asking.  So we agreed that once a month, he will watch the kids while I take a long bath and relax.  We even wrote it on the calendar, so I don’t get so wrapped up in the craziness of our daily life and put it off!

Learning to Gift Yourself 2b

I wrapped up the second basket and took it to one of my friends, and challenged her to take time for herself as well!

And now, I want to challenge you!  You wouldn’t think twice about spending a few bucks on a friend or a loved one, so take the time today to spend a few bucks on yourself– and commit to giving some time to yourself!  You’re a busy, tired, stressed mama, and you deserve a break!  In fact, I think that if we all learn to take a break for ourselves and give to ourselves, we will find that we end up having more to give to others in our lives.  If we are well rested, we will be better moms, better wives, and better friends.  

So head to your favorite Costco, pick up a Venus Swirl and some Olay Ultra Moisture Body Wash, and gift yourself with the gift of well deserved pampering!

Meet Jamie

Learning to Gift Yourself


Wednesday 30th of December 2015

This year is all about me and my business. We need to take care of ourselves in order to be successful and be able to help others. :)


Tuesday 29th of December 2015

I"m a big fan of gifting myself. And, guess what, every now and then even if just for a minute, I'm the priority. Crazy right :)


Monday 28th of December 2015

Gifting ourselves seems to be the hardest step. I think it'd be great to keep a "pamper me" basket on hand in the bathroom for those nights you need a small pick me up!

Tami - This Mom's Delight

Friday 25th of December 2015

I love this idea. I'd gift myself with a new book , a journal and some body wash. To make it extra special I'd spend a full day at the bookstore.

Miranda (Myrabev)

Friday 25th of December 2015

I am not a mum yet but I am so bad at taking care of my needs first, don't get me wrong I do remember to pick a few things up for myself but its the using them part that eludes me. I am always thinking of things to give my nephew and my parents but never remember myself. I am sure your friend loved the gift basket.

Jamie H

Friday 25th of December 2015

It's so much easier to shop for others!