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Menu for May

Menu for May

May brings us a month full of birthdays including The Hardworking Husband’s.  This month is also bring a bunch of changes for me.  I get to plant my garden. I get to start watching Dear Friend’s little girl.  And as Lucy told you about yesterday, her and her family have moved to Idaho.  I am so excited about all three.  It is good to have Lucy and family in Idaho.  I get to spoil some nieces and nephews!  

To have enough time to do everything I want I’ve got to have a plan.  So a menu is a necessity this month, not just a want.

Week 1

Nina’s Macaroni Beef Skillet

Week 2

Carne Asada
BBQ Chicken Salad
Grilled Pork Tenderloin with Green Mango
Four Cheese Chicken Pasta Bake

Week 3

French Dip Sandwiches
Chicken BLT Taco Salad
Spaghetti with Mozzarella Grilled Cheese

Week 4

Big Steak Salad
Crockpot Honey Garlic Chicken
Garlic Pesto Chicken with Tomato Cream Penne

Week 5

Chicken Quesadillas
Sausage & Rice Skillet

For a printable version: 

Screen Shot 2014-04-16 at 6.05.15 PM

 I hope May brings you many beautiful flowers and sunny days.



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Pretty Pintastic Party #1 - Coffee With Us 3

Friday 2nd of May 2014

[…] With Us 3 ProjectsCinco de Mayo Roundup,  Menu for May, Homemade Lip Balm Things I Love About Texas, Kitchen […]


Friday 25th of April 2014

Since my kid started back to school, he's eating his main meal there - I never get to cook any more! Maybe I should just make a menu for me!


Thursday 24th of April 2014

wow, great work. Looks like may will be a yummy month... now if only I knew what I was making for dinner tomorrow ;o)