Some favorite baby items from a mom of 3, with input from our fans!
My baby is 3 years old! I just can’t figure out how it’s gone by so quickly! As she outgrew things, we’ve gotten rid of the items, since we don’t plan to have any more babies.
And it might sound strange, but I’ve been surprised at how many things were difficult for me to part with! They saw us through 3 babies, and apparently I grew attached!
So, since I know that there are a lot of first-time mamas out there, I thought I’d share with you some of my favorite baby items. I wouldn’t say that these are necessities— if we’re honest with ourselves, the only actual necessities are diapers, clothes, and a car seat. However, these baby items made my life much easier, and they’re items I would recommend to anyone else!
Changing Table
I’m starting with this one, since it’s pretty controversial! You wouldn’t think people would get so worked up over such a silly thing, but trust me- go say something about a changing table in a mommy forum, and you’ll have a war on your hands!
I don’t necessarily think that you need to have an actual changing table, but I would advocate for a changing area that’s elevated. You can use your bed, but I’ve had too much experience with babies that pee when their diapers come off, so I wouldn’t recommend that.
Many people use the top of a dresser, fitted with a changing pad– that works great, too! (Just obviously make sure that you never leave your baby’s side, since even tiny babies can roll over- my first rolled over several times in the first week of her life!)
The reason I recommend this: I had a long first labor complete with a posterior baby, and severe back labor. After labor, it took about a month before I could bend over comfortably. It just hurt too much to have to bend down to the ground, and a changing table was a life saver! Also, my sister had to have 2 caesareans, so not having a changing table wasn’t even an option for her.
Baby Carrier
There are about a million different ways to carry your baby. You can use a sling, a front carrier, a wrap, whatever. They’re all awesome, because there will be days when your baby just really needs you– and those days don’t always coincide with days that you have nothing to do.
I know many people are huge fans of moby wraps or ergo carriers, but I was perfectly happy with a cheap front carrier. I borrowed one with Miss Magoo, and loved it so much that when I spotted one at a yard sale, I splurged on the $2! This was truly one of my favorite baby items!
If you go hiking (which we do a lot), you may also want to buy a hiking carrier as your baby gets bigger. This puts baby’s weight on your back, so you have more stability on rugged terrain. They are expensive, so I would only recommend them to those who hike a lot, but I can tell you that they are worth their cost!
When I asked on our facebook page for what people’s favorite baby items were, the one almost everyone said was a good swing.
For the same reason as the front carrier, a good swing can be a lifesaver. The best part is that if you ask around, you can probably find one to borrow.
With Baby Girl, we were given a Fisher Price Rock n Play, and it was really awesome! It isn’t necessarily a swing, but it worked really well for the same function, plus it was really nice when we went on trips to take it along for her to sleep and nap in. This was also an item that many of our facebook followers said was a must-have item!
Baby Tub
I didn’t use a baby tub for very long with any of my babies, but it was so helpful for the baths for the first couple of months. Babies get so slippery when they’re wet, and when you’re trying to hold them and wash them, it can be a bit tricky. We loved one that was easy to put in the kitchen sink, since trying to hold onto a baby while bending over the bathtub didn’t seem that appealing to me!
Swaddle Blankets
Swaddle Blankets are fabulous for helping a baby feel secure, so they fall asleep more quickly. There are specific swaddlers you can buy, or you can just use a stretchy swaddle blanket. Or if you’ve got a spare 20 minutes, you can even make your own! Don’t know how to swaddle a baby? You can learn how here!
For Feeding
Feeding items are going to vary depending on if you’re nursing or bottle feeding. I nursed all 3 of mine.
For nursing, I would suggest a good breastmilk pump. Even if you don’t plan to use bottles at all, you will have some days of serious discomfort that a pump can be really helpful in relieving. I’ve heard it rumored that some insurance companies will cover a pump, but I was gifted one so I’m not quite sure.
A nursing cover is also very helpful. By the time Baby Girl came around, I was able to nurse under any blanket, since I knew what I was doing, but with Miss Magoo I really needed something that stayed put. I know that nursing without a cover is becoming a popular thing, but I personally didn’t feel that it was comfortable for all those around me, so I chose to cover up. You can do whatever works for you.
If you’re formula feeding, you’ll obviously need the formula. But you’ll also want some good bottles.
Burp Rags are also a must when babies are small, unless you’d like spit on your shirt. Just buy a super cheap set, or make some out of flannel. They don’t need to be fancy. They’re going to get covered in nastiness.
Babies can get bored of just laying around– so this is where props come into place. This can be a wide range of items. For a newborn baby, a bouncer works best. Many of my friends favorite baby items were their Bumbos. For babies who are slightly older, a jumper or an exersaucer is enjoyable.
Just remember that babies shouldn’t be left in these items for long periods. Babies need to be held and talked to, experience time on the floor, and be bored sometimes, so use these props sparingly (like when you need to get dinner cooked or take a shower).
You don’t have to get a super fancy baby monitor (though I will admit that a fancy one is really nice to have!). It’s just nice to have a basic baby monitor so you can get things done while baby is sleeping, but hear when she wakes up. If you prefer a video monitor, they have really come down in price in the last couple of years.
So that’s it! A ton of choices of different items, but you can really get away with buying a lot less than advertisers will make you think.
I hope this was helpful for you! If there’s something I’ve missed, or something you disagree with, let me know in the comments– I love getting feedback!
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Hil D
Monday 27th of February 2017
I agree!! A carrier and swing are among my fav's too. I change on the couch or bed, but I have a bad back so it is easier, and I have been peed on a lot anyways lol, boys really do squirt!!!
Thanks so much for sharing at #bloggerspotlight
Jamie H
Monday 27th of February 2017
Getting peed on is definitely a reality! Crazy thing is it was one of my girls that was the worst for it, not my boy!