I can’t believe that I am now the mother of 3 children. It wasn’t very long ago that Dan and I were struggling with infertility, and I wondered if I would ever hold my biological child in my arms. And now we have an almost 4 year old, a 2 year old, and a brand new baby. It’s so amazing to hold new life in my arms!
God has been so faithful to answer our prayers.
Last Monday, Baby Girl was born. She was even born on her due date, which isn’t very common. Something must have been in the air, since there were 10 other babies born while we were in labor and delivery, which is a ton at our small hospital- in fact, they were cancelling elective inductions because there wasn’t enough room!
Things went well during labor, besides the fact that Baby Girl was posterior. Miss Magoo was too. It is so much more painful than when they come out correctly, like Little Man did. We’ve decided that my girls give me a much harder time than Little Man– we barely made it to the hospital with him.
Despite the fact that Little Man is only 2, I was still amazed once again how tiny new babies are! Baby Girl seems so little! It’s hard to imagine that within the year she’ll be crawling and probably walking (both the others were). It’s truly amazing how quickly they grow.
Miss Magoo has been so excited waiting for her little sister to be born. When I was packing my bag, Miss Magoo was trying to tell me what to bring for Baby Girl. She picked out the going-home outfit, but like the planner that she is, we needed to bring along pajamas and pants, “just in case” Baby Girl got cold. Miss Magoo was also trying to convince me to bring food and toys for Baby Girl. I had to explain at least a dozen times that Baby Girl won’t be eating our food for a while. Please excuse Miss Magoo’s messy hair- when she saw I was taking pictures of Baby Girl, she was insistent that she needed to be in them.
Both of the kids have been so sweet with Baby Girl, which has been a huge part of my prayers during this pregnancy. I know it’s new, and resentment may kick in, so I’m still praying– but I’m grateful that there are currently no issues in that regard.
Little Man is fascinated by Baby Girl, and he keeps asking to hold her. When we said that she’s his new sister, he got confused. Apparently he thinks that Miss Magoo’s name is “Sister.” And it’s adorable, because whenever he talks to Baby Girl, he does so in a high pitched voice that he never uses otherwise.
We have been so blessed by God’s answered prayers for a healthy baby. Thank you to all of you who were praying– you are a rich blessing in our lives!
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Sunday 1st of September 2013
Beyond precious.
Thanks bunches for splashing with us and linking up. Every Monday, I post on Momma Notes. And as always, it is a joy to have you join us. Just moms. Sharing our notes. Creating a melody.
Monday 26th of August 2013
So adorable! My daughter was born on her due date, I was also told that it is very rare. Your family is beautiful! Congrats!
Thanks for joining us for the Mixer this week :)