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Recipes Using Canned Tomatoes

The best recipes using Canned Tomatoes!  Whether you can your own homegrown tomatoes, or buy commercially canned tomatoes, these are recipes that you won’t want to miss!

The best recipes using Canned Tomatoes!  Whether you can your own homegrown tomatoes, or buy commercially canned tomatoes, these are recipes that you won't want to miss!

Growing a garden and preserving the harvest is something both Kerry and I do.  My favorite thing to grow is tomatoes (find out how easy it is to grow tomatoes!).  Tomatoes fresh from the garden are so filled with flavor, and store bought just can’t compared.

I try to use as many fresh tomatoes as I possibly can (check out these amazing Garden Fresh Tomato Recipes), and then I can the rest.  Canning tomatoes is really easy.  I typically can some salsa, make a bit of spaghetti sauce, and the rest is made into diced tomatoes, since I use them in so many recipes.

I figured that you might want some ideas of recipes to use your diced tomatoes in, too.  While I use home canned tomatoes, you can definitely use commercially canned tomatoes for these recipes, instead.

The Best Recipes using Canned Tomatoes:

Recipes Using Canned Tomatoes

The best recipes using canned tomatoes. Whether they're commercially canned, or ones you canned from your garden, we've got tons of amazing recipes for you to use your canned tomatoes in!

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The best recipes using Canned Tomatoes!  Whether you can your own homegrown tomatoes, or buy commercially canned tomatoes, these are recipes that you won't want to miss!