Picture frames, Elmer’s glue & food coloring is pretty much all you need for your kids to make these super cute stained glass frames.
We made these at our VBS this year and the children absolutely loved them!! They are pretty easy that even the youngest kids (age 3) could do them but the oldest kids loved them as well (age 12). We wrote on our glass with permanent markers but you could skip that part & then write whatever you want later with dry erase marker and then be able to change the message.
What you need:
– 5 by 7 frame (or whatever size you choose)
– hot glue
– permanent marker
– elmer’s glue
-food coloring, different colors of your choice.
How To:
Before the kids start, you need to seal your frame. Take the back off your frame and using hot glue seal the back side of your glass into your frame by glueing around all the edges of the glass. You may want to do two layers so you don’t have any leaks. Let cool completely.
Have your children write on the front of their frame with permanent marker. We wrote out the verse for the VBS kids so they could place the words under the glass and just copy it. For the youngest kids, we went ahead and wrote the verse for them.
After the permanent marker dries, turn your frame and pour enough elmer’s glue into the frame to completely cover the back of the frame with glue. Drop a drop of food coloring into each corner and let your kids have a toothpick to swirl the food coloring around in the glue. The more you swirl the darker the “stained glass” will look, so be careful not to over swirl or you won’t be able to read the words.
Let your frame dry overnight and then it’s ready to be displayed. These are such cute decoration and I think we might make them again and put the kids initials on them for decorations in their rooms.
I think your kids will love this craft! Let me know if you try it out & what you write on the front!
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