Hey Food Bloggers! Have you signed up for Chicory yet? It’s an easy new way we’ve been monetizing our blog, and we wanted to pass along the info to you! Right now, they’re running a special until January 1st. Go sign up, tell them Coffee With Us 3 sent you, and we’ll both get a $15 gift card!
Welcome to the Pretty Pintastic Party where all posts are pinned & features are pinned by all!
First, let’s meet the hosts:
Jamie, Kerry, & Lucy from Coffee With Us 3
Pinterest, Facebook, Twitter
Heather from Divas Run for Bling Pinterest, Facebook, Twitter
Sandy from Bowdabra Pinterest, Facebook, Twitter
Alli from An Alli Event Pinterest, Facebook, Twitter
Annie from Annie’s Noms Pinterest, Facebook, Twitter
Roberta from Mommy Like Whoa Pinterest, Facebook, Twitter
Paris from My Big Fat Happy Life Pinterest, Facebook, Twitter
April from Uncookie Cutter Pinterest, Facebook, Twitter
Reesa from Momma Lew Pinterest, Facebook, Twitter
Stephanie from The Tip Toe Fairy Pinterest, Facebook, Twitter
Lisa from Big Fat F Pinterest, Facebook, Twitter
Sarah from Thank You Honey Pinterest, Facebook, Twitter
Aimee from House of Fauci’s Pinterest, Facebook, Twitter
Destiny from Suburban Wife, City Life Pinterest, Facebook, Twitter
Kate from My Mommy Brain Pinterest, Facebook, Twitter
Sarah from Sarah Sofia Productions Pinterest, Facebook, Twitter
Here’s what your hosts have been up to this week!
Now on to the Party!!

This week’s Features:

Everyone else grab a button and help us spread the word about our party!! Thanks!

By linking up, you give coffeewithus3.com, divasrunforbling.com, bowdabrablog.com, anallievent.com, anniesnoms.com, mommylikewhoa.com, mybigfathappylife.com, uncookiecutter.com, mommalew.com, thetiptoefairy.com, bigfatf.com, thankyouhoneyblog.com, houseoffaucis.com, suburbanwifecitylife.com, my-mommy-brain.com, sarahsofiaproductions.com, or any co-host permission to feature your post on social media and our blogs using a photo, title, and link to your site. Proper credit and links will be given to you.
By linking up, you will be added to the mailing list for The Pretty Pintastic Party. You will only receive emails reminding you when the party goes live. You can unsubscribe at any time.
A Pretty Fix
Monday 21st of December 2015
Thanks so much for featuring my boxwood wreath! This is one of my favourite link parties :)
Helen Fern
Monday 21st of December 2015
Great party and great features!! Thanks for hosting!
(Nearly) Free Food | A Chat Over Coffee
Saturday 19th of December 2015
[…] This post was shared at the Pretty Pintastic Party #85 and Home Matters Linky Party […]
Tanya @ Mom's Small Victories
Friday 18th of December 2015
I love this party featuring my favorite social media. You've got some great features this week and love all these holiday themed posts. Thanks for hosting and hope you'll share with our Small Victories Sunday Linkup too open all week long!
Friday 18th of December 2015
Thank you so much guys for featuring my Home-made Eggnog recipe. I am so stoked.
Have an amazing time hosting; thank you for having us.
Sunday 20th of December 2015
You're very welcome!