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Unicorn Cups

Unicorn Cups are made with a homemade (gelatin-free) no-bake strawberry cheesecake.  They’re decadent and delicious, but surprisingly easy to make!

For Miss Magoo’s 12th birthday, we had a friend party.  We normally don’t do friend parties, because the majority of my kids’ friends have been their cousins, so they’re already at the family party.  This year we decided it was time for a party with the friends.

For the family birthday party, Miss Magoo picked out a Unicorn Cake for us to make.  For the friend party, she wanted to keep the same theme, so we decided to make Unicorn Cups.

I have to confess that I’ve never actually made no-bake cheesecake.  I have an aversion to the texture of the no-bake cheesecakes that are made with gelatin, so I have always avoided them.  So I set out to figure out how to make no-bake cheesecake without Jello.

I ended up finding a recipe from Sally’s Baking Addiction that I followed loosely.  Because my no-bake strawberry cheesecake was going into unicorn cups, it didn’t need to set up in the same way her recipe does.  That’s why I was able to get away with adding a pound of strawberry puree, and not refrigerating for nearly as long. 

Yield: 12 Unicorn Cups

Unicorn Cups

Unicorn Cups

Unicorn Cups are made with a homemade (gelatin-free) no-bake strawberry cheesecake.  They're decadent and delicious, but surprisingly easy to make!

Prep Time 30 minutes
Total Time 30 minutes


  • 12 clear plastic cups
  • Sharpie Marker
  • 16 oz. frozen strawberries, thawed
  • 2 tsp. lemon juice
  • 9 graham crackers (1 sleeve)
  • 4 Tbsp. butter
  • 1 1/4 cups heavy cream
  • 3 packages cream cheese, softened (8 oz. each)
  • 1/2 cup sugar
  • 1/4 cup sour cream, room temp
  • Gold fondant


  1. Draw eyelashes on each cup.
  2. Puree strawberries and lemon juice in a blender. Set aside.
  3. Crush graham crackers until they're crumbs.
  4. Melt butter in the microwave for 10-20 seconds. Mix into graham cracker crumbs.
  5. Divide graham cracker mix between clear cups.
  6. In a stand mixer, whip cream until stiff peaks form. Set aside.
  7. In a clean bowl in a stand mixer, mix together cream cheese and granulated sugar until the mixture is creamy and free from any chunks.
  8. Mix in sour cream.
  9. Mix in pureed strawberry mix.
  10. Gently fold in whipped cream.
  11. Divide between clear cups, spooning over the graham cracker layer.
  12. Refrigerate at least 2 hours before serving.
  13. Using a small amount of gold fondant, roll the fondant out into a snake shape. Fold in half, and twist, making a horn. Horns can be made ahead of time, but wait to add them to the unicorn cups until just before serving. If they sit in the cheesecake too long, they start to melt, causing them to fall over.

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