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Verse of the Week Chalkboard 2

The Verse of the Week Chalkboard helps families memorize scripture together!

Verse of the Week Chalkboard helps you memorize scripture as a family!I think that memorizing scripture is such an important aspect of the education we can give our children– and ourselves!  In Psalm 119:11, it says, “I have hidden Your word in my heart, that I might not sin against You.” 

When we set scripture memorization as a priority, we can better learn about God.  In fact, I think scripture memorization is so vital, that it’s part of our homeschooling goals for Miss Magoo and Little Man.

I attempted to make a Verse of the Week Chalkboard a while back, and while I liked it, it was just too small.  So when my sister decided to redo her kitchen cabinets and asked if I wanted any of the cupboard doors, I jumped on the chance.

I spray painted the recessed portion of the door with chalkboard paint.  Once that was dry, I taped it off and painted it teal.  Then after that dried, I scuffed the teal portion up a bit.

I love how it turned out, and it’s much easier to write and read, since it’s much larger!   I love that the Verse of the Week Chalkboard helps us to memorize scripture together, and that we see the verse over and over throughout the week!

Do you memorize scripture? 


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Verse of the Week Chalkboard helps you memorize scripture as a family!

Fruit of the Spirit Sign - Coffee With Us 3

Sunday 14th of June 2015

[…] back that my sister got new cabinet fronts, so she gave me an old one and I turned it into our Verse of the Week Chalkboard.  Well, I wanted to show you what she did with one of the drawer […]

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Wednesday 25th of March 2015

[…] 5. Verse of the week Chalkboard […]


Friday 20th of March 2015

I love this idea!! Thanks for sharing it in my roundup. I will post it Monday afternoon:)