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Whole30 Dinner Recipes

Eating Whole 30 doesn’t have to be boring, with these delicious Whole30 dinner recipes! Categorized by chicken, beef, pork, and seafood, to make it easy for you to find a recipe quickly!

Basic rules for Whole30 elimination diet, as well as lots of delicious dinner recipes that are Whole 30 compliant!

What is Whole 30?

At times in a person’s life, an elimination diet might be a good idea.  For instance, if you’re constantly feeling bloated, struggling to sleep well, or dealing with inflammation, skin issues, etc.

While called an elimination “diet,” Whole30 isn’t typically used to lose weight (in fact, one of the rules is no stepping on the scale for the whole 30 days).  Rather, it is used to eliminate the foods that are more often responsible for causing issues in our bodies. 

After 30 days of eliminating these foods, they are slowly added back into the diet, so that a person can tell which ones are causing problems in their body.

Why Whole30?

The great thing about Whole30 is that it is real, good food.  You don’t have to buy anything branded, you don’t have to sign up for a multi-level marketing scheme, you just need to eat good, unprocessed foods, avoiding the trigger foods. 

And even better is the fact that it’s only for 30 days (well, 40, if you count the time to reintroduce foods).  Surely you can stick to it for 30 days, right?

What foods are off limits on Whole 30?

Whole30 eliminates all added sugars (including sweeteners), dairy, grains, legumes, and alcohol.  For a complete list of the rules, get your information from the source, the site that started the diet.

What foods can I eat on Whole30?

You can eat any foods that avoid the previous ingredients.  The less-processed and more whole, the better.  In fact, eating whole foods helps to take any of the guesswork out of it. 

Instead of wondering if there is a hidden ingredient in there that will mess up the whole diet, eating whole foods allows you to know that you’re on the right track.

How can I succeed on Whole 30?

The key to success with Whole 30 is having a plan in place ahead of time.  Don’t think that you’ll be able to just throw meals together and succeed.  Those are the moments that you’ll reach for whatever’s closest, or easiest, and you’ll be back on Day 1.

Another element of success is doing Whole30 with someone else.  Having a friend to bounce ideas off of, share meals with, and support each other will help you be more likely to make it through the 30 days.

So, you’ve decided you want to do Whole30?  You’re in luck, because we’ve got a bunch of Whole 30 compliant dinner recipes for you!

Please make sure to always check ingredients for compliance.  I have screened all of these recipes, but I could have overlooked something.

Whole30 Dinner Recipes

Eating Whole 30 doesn't have to be boring, with these delicious dinner recipes!

Categorized by chicken, beef, pork, seafood, to make it easy for you to find a recipe quickly!

Chicken Whole30 Dinner Recipes

Beef Whole30 Dinner Recipes

Pork Whole 30 Dinner Recipes

Seafood Whole30 Dinner Recipes

Do you have favorite Whole30 dinner recipes?  If so, share them in the comments below!  We’re always looking for new recipe ideas, and we read every comment!

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Linking up to Weekend Potluck.

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Tuesday 26th of May 2020

So many delicious options! Thank you so much for including my sloppy joe baked potatoes and crispy coconut salmon!